Homework!Mar 9th, 2012
I have submitted and received, graded, 4 essays, for English Composition so far. Here they are in full, in MS Word (.doc) format.
- Fire in the Valley - submitted January 30, 2012
- The Most Satisfying Beer Ever - submitted February 6, 2012
- The Tools of Liberty - submitted February 13, 2012
- Driving a Status Symbol - submitted February 27, 2012
In case you're wondering, the first 3 papers each received an "A-". The last, Driving a Status Symbol, received an "A". Those who knew me in high school understand just how significant that is (I never received an "A" of any sort, and probably rarely even a "B").
P.S., Please do not plagiarize. These works are copyright © William Flaherty.